Fixed Leak Detection

for Continuous Pipe Monitoring

The most efficient way to find leaks and assess the condition of your pipes is by monitoring your network daily. By doing so you can catch leaks as they start to develop and long before they burst and create catastrophic breaks and costly damage. Identifying fast developing leak will tell you a lot about the condition of your pipe (in this case poor condition). Continuous monitoring enables you to manage your network efficiently by getting real-time data instead of ad hoc survey once a year or two.


AQS fixed sensors enable you to continuously monitor the water network on a daily basis. These sensors are installed along the pipeline on fire hydrants & valves. They record a 16 to 20 sec sample each night and send the data to a cloud server that analyzes the data and performs correlation between every couple of sensors. The type of sensor used depends on the pipe material, pipe diameter and possible installation point.

AQS acoustic sensors are installed along the pipeline and sample each night. The data is sent via cellular networks to the AQS server that analyzes the data and performs correlation between every couple of sensors.

Leak results are presented in a friendly dashboard categorizing the leaks by A, B & C where A is a big size leak and C is a small leak. The leaks are also presented on a GIS map.

Zooming into a specific alert shows the leak location and accurate distance from sensor #1. In this example the leak is 269 meters from sensor #1.

Multiple leaks can be identified by each couple of sensors. In this example there are two leaks: the big one is 60 meters away from sensor #1 and the smaller leak is 8 meters away from sensor #1.

The system is able to identify and alert on fast developing leaks so that the customer attend to fix them quickly before they surface in the street.

Continuous Monitoring on Distribution Lines

Continuous monitoring on distribution lines is performed by either Accelerometer (vibration) or by Hydrophone sensors depending on pipe material and size. Accelerometers can monitor metal or AC pipes up to 24” while Hydrophones can monitor PVC and PE pipes.


Continuous Monitoring on Transmission Lines

Continuous monitoring on transmission (trunk main) lines is performed by Hydrophone sensors that are tapped into the pipe. With Aquarius Multi-sensor that combines a hydrophone and a pressure sensors in the same electronics, both leaks and pressure transients can be located.

Multi Sensor